Sunday, 8 September 2013

Lesson 5: Shall, should

Shall is used to indicate future actions and it is mostly used with ‘I’ and ‘we.’

Shall we go now?
I shall finish my homework by 6 p.m.

Note:  ‘Shall’ is rarely used now-a-days and ‘will’ is used in its place.

Should is the past tense of shall.  ‘Should’ is used to express (a) duty and (b) obligation.

(a) Duty:  We should help the poor.
Children should obey their parents.

(b) Obligation:  This book should be helpful to him.
She should be more careful while driving.
You should go to school.
You should not speak so loud in here.

Difference Between Tortoise and Turtle
The difference between tortoise and turtle is that the tortoise lives on land and the turtle lives in water, especially ocean.

Learn the list of words given below and then read the paragraph following it.
Sadness, unhappiness
Influenced by someone’s beliefs or feelings, instead of facts
Someone who always believes that bad things will happen
Someone who always believes that good things will happen
At the start of a new and important time or development
Wish, want
To invoke evil upon

Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so
The world is neither good nor evil; every man manufactures a world for himself.  If a blind man thinks of the world, it is either soft or hard, cold or hot, never bright or dark, even colorless.  We are a mass of happiness or misery; our view of things is subjective.  The pessimist sees nothing good in life, the optimist finds nothing bad.  As a rule, the young are optimistic and the old pessimistic; the young are the threshold of life, the old complain their days have gone, hundreds of desires which they cannot fulfil create storms in their hearts.  Both are foolish.  For both, life is good or bad according to the state of mind in which they look at it.  By itself it is neither, like fire which is neither good nor evil in itself.  When it keeps us warm, we say how beautiful the fire is!  But when it burns our fingers, we curse it.  So also is this world.  We may think of it as perfect or as a bundle of imperfections.  But our thinking makes no difference to it.  It is perfectly fitted to meet its end.  We may all be perfectly sure that it will go on beautifully well without us.

A smile costs less than electricity and gives more light. – Scottish Proverb

Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. – Emerson

What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you. – Seneca

The contented man is never poor, the discontented never rich. – G. Elliot

Kindness is a language the dumb can speak, and the deaf can hear and understand.  – C. N. Bovee

A signpost outside a school –
“Drive carefully!  Don’t kill the students, wait for the teachers.”

Jim:  How did Tom die while drinking milk?
Jerry:  The cow fell on him.

Teacher:  What is the difference between a man and a donkey?
Student:  You can call a man a donkey but you cannot call a donkey a man.

Wife:  What will you give me on my birthday?
Husband:  Can you see that car?
Wife:  (Happily) yes, yes.

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